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A handbook of geriatric neuropsychology: Practice essentials , 2nd ed ; : 161-177, 2022.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-20240942


With an aging population, health professionals will face a growing cohort of older patients presenting with neurological and psychiatric disorders. The aging process is associated with an increase in chronic medical conditions, sensory impairments, cognitive and functional decline, and bereavement, all of which can impact psychological wellbeing. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented further, unique challenges for vulnerable older people, although preliminary findings have indicated that older adults have actually been more resilient than younger people in terms of developing mental health conditions during the pandemic. In the present chapter, an overview of common psychiatric disorders in late adulthood is provided, in addition to recommendations for assessment and treatment planning. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Psicologia: Teoria e Pratica ; 24(1):1-13, 2022.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2322283


The Covid-19 pandemic is having a great impact on people's mental health all over the world. Adolescents have been facing several potential stressors. The aim of this study was to explore how Portuguese adolescents were perceiving the Covid-19 outbreak and the relationship between the perceived impact of the pandemic and mental health. Participants were 130 adolescents (97 girls) who completed online questionnaires about the Covid-19 pandemic and the DASS-21. Around 73% of the adolescents agreed that the Covid-19 pandemic affected their lives and 45% felt emotionally affected. Feeling uncomfortable around family during quarantine was correlated with depression (r = .39), anxiety (r = .44), and stress symptoms (r = .37), and feeling capable to deal with the pandemic was negatively correlated with psychopathological symptoms. Girls seemed to be more emotionally affected. Results revealed the negative effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on Portuguese adolescents' mental health. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved) (Portuguese) A pandemia de Covid-19 esta a ter um grande impacto na saude mental das pessoas em todo o mundo. Os adolescentes tem enfrentado diversos potenciais stressores. O objectivo deste estudo foi explorar como os adolescentes portugueses percecionaram o surto do Covid-19 e a relacao entre o impacto percebido da pandemia e a saude mental. Os participantes foram 130 adolescentes (97 do sexo feminino) que responderam a questionarios online sobre a pandemia de Covid-19 e DASS-21. Cerca de 73% dos adolescentes concordaram que a pandemia afectou as suas vidas e 45% sentiu-se emocionalmente afectado. Sentir-se desconfortavel perto da familia durante a quarentena mostrou-se correlacionado com sintomas de depressao (r = .39), ansiedade (r = .44) e stress (r = .37) e sentir-se capaz de lidar com a pandemia esteve negativamente correlacionado com sintomas psicopatologicos. Adolescentes do sexo feminino pareceram ficar mais emocionalmente afectadas. Esses resultados apontam para o efeito negativo da pandemia de Covid-19 na saude mental dos adolescentes portugueses. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved) (Spanish) La pandemia de Covid-19 esta teniendo un gran impacto en la salud mental de las personas. Los adolescentes se han enfrentado a varios posibles estresores. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar como los adolescentes portugueses percibieron el brote de Covid-19 y la relacion entre el impacto percibido de la pandemia y la salud mental. Los participantes fueron 130 adolescentes (97 mujeres) que respondieron cuestionarios online sobre la pandemia Covid-19 y DASS-21. 73% de los adolescentes estuvo de acuerdo en que la pandemia de Covid-19 afecto sus vidas y el 45% se sintio emocionalmente afectado. Sentirse incomodo con la familia durante la cuarentena se correlaciono con sintomas de depresion (r = .39), ansiedad (r = .44) y estres (r = .37), y sentirse capaz de lidiar con la pandemia se correlaciono negativamente con los sintomas psicopatologicos. Las adolescentes parecian estar mas emocionalmente afectadas. Estos resultados apuntan al efecto negativo de la pandemia Covid-19 en la salud mental de los adolescentes portugueses. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Kibris Turk Psikiyatri ve Psikoloji Dergisi ; 3(3):192-202, 2021.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2320592


Although it is thought that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection does not clinically affect children as severely as adults, the short and long-term psychological effects on adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic are quite significant. The aim of the present study is to determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression and related factors in high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic. In June and July 2020, 506 high school students from two different provinces were included in the present study. A questionnaire form including sociodemographic characteristics, 'Child Depression Scale' and 'State-Trait Anxiety Scale' were applied online. Univariate and multivariate analyzes were used in data analysis, and p<0.05 was accepted as significance level. Depression prevalence was 22.9 %, median trait anxiety score was 44, and median state anxiety score was 39. Low-income level, think of themselves or the household was at risk, using information sources other than health professionals, high screen time, high mother coronavirus stress score and low family communication score were shown to increase depression. Higher school grades, not regularly exercising, think of themselves or the household were at risk, staying alone at home, high mother's and father's coronavirus stress scores and low family communication score were shown to increase state anxiety. Adolescents highly suffer from psychological outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is essential to involve the family in planning and implementing early mental health interventions during the pandemic, especially as parent-related factors affect children's psychological state. During the social isolation period, it is recommended to organize indoor exercise programs for children and adolescents, limit the time spent in front of the screen, and improve communication with family members. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved) (Turkish) Koronavirus Hastaligi 2019 (COVID-19) klinik olarak cocuklari eriskin bireyler kadar etkilemese de COVID-19 pandemisinin adolesanlar uzerindeki kisa ve uzun donem etkileri oldukca onemlidir. Bu calismanin amaci COVID- 19 pandemisinde lise ogrencilerinin depresyon ve anksiyete sikligi ile etkileyen faktorlerin belirlenmesidir. Calismaya Haziran-Temmuz 2020 tarihlerinde 2 farkli ilden 506 lise ogrencisi dahil edilmistir ve sosyodemografik ozellikleri iceren bir soru formu, 'Cocuk Depresyon Olcegi' ve 'Durumluk-Surekli Anksiyete Olcegi' online olarak uygulanmistir. Veri analizinde tek degiskenli ve cok degiskenli analizler uygulanmis olup p<0.05 anlamlilik duzeyi olarak kabul edilmistir. Depresyon sikligi %22.9, surekli anksiyete olcek puani ortanca degeri 44, durumluk anksiyete olcek ortanca degeri 39 olarak bulunmustur. Dusuk gelir duzeyi, kendinin ya da ayni evde yasadigi kisilerin risk altinda oldugunu dusunme, bilgi kaynagi olarak saglik profesyonelleri disindaki kaynaklarin kullanilmasi, uzamis ekran suresi, koronavirusle ilgili anne stres puaninin yuksek olmasi, aile ici iletisim puaninin dusuk olmasinin depresyon sikligini artirdigi gosterilmistir. Daha yuksek okul sinifi, duzenli egzersiz yapmama, kendinin ya da ayni evde yasadigi kisilerin risk altinda oldugunu dusunme, evde yalniz kalma, koronavirusle ilgili anne ve baba stres puaninin yuksek olmasi ve aile ici iletisim puaninin dusuk olmasinin anksiyete puanini artirdigi gosterilmistir. Adolesanlar COVID-19 pandemisinin psikolojik sonuclarindan oldukca muzdariptir. Ozellikle ebeveyn iliskili faktorlerin cocuklarin psikolojik durumunu etkiledigi goruldugunden, pandemide erken ruh sagligi mudahalelerinin planlanmasi ve uygulanmasinda ailenin dahil edilmesi onemlidir. Sosyal izolasyon doneminde cocuk ve ergenler icin ev ici egzersiz programlarinin duzenlenmesi, ekran basinda gecen surenin kisitlanmasi, aile bireyleri ile iletisimin iyilestirilmesi onerilmektedir. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Psychology in the Schools ; : No Pagination Specified, 2023.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2317380


The current pandemic has drastically changed the academic landscape, causing distressing experiences among students and teachers. While there are increasing studies demonstrating the psychological experiences of students during the pandemic, only a few have examined the mental health conditions of university teachers. The present study sought to address this gap by investigating the prevalence of psychological distress and common mental health disorders and their pandemic-related risk factors among Filipino university teachers. A total of 1110 university teachers self-reported their psychological distress, generalized anxiety, and major depression symptoms through an online assessment. Findings of the study revealed the overall prevalence of psychological distress at 55.6%, and anxiety and depression were 17.0% and 28.4%, respectively. Younger teachers (i.e., aged <=31 years old) and those who have less than a year of teaching experience are more likely to reach the cut-off scores for all outcomes. Further, teachers who have experienced pandemic-related adversities are highly vulnerable to psychological distress, generalized anxiety, and depression. These results offer important implications for creating psychosocial interventions that will help teachers manage their distresses amid the pandemic situation. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Kibris Turk Psikiyatri ve Psikoloji Dergisi ; 3(3):165-174, 2021.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2314179


This study aimed to determine symptoms of depressive, anxiety and somatic and perceived threat of coronavirus disease among health care workers. The study was conducted in Istanbul. 315 health care workers who completed the online questionnaire included in the study. Measurement tools consisted of a questionnaire including items to define perceived level of coronavirus disease of participants and questions about demographic characteristics and Patient Health Questionnare-9, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, and Patient Health Questionnaire-15. It was determined that somatic symptoms were clinically significantly high in 37.8% of the healthcare workers and it is followed by depression symptoms in 34% and anxiety symptoms in 23.5% respectively. The results showed that 77.8% of participants felt coronavirus disease as a life-threatening situation and 95.6% of them worried about being infected. Although worrying about being infected by coronavirus affected symptoms of depressive, anxiety and somatic, feeling life-threatening of coronavirus disease affected symptoms of anxiety and somatic. The factors associated with depression were following;females (OR, 3.85, p= 0.001), being married (OR, 2.35, P=0.049), and no physical exercise (OR, 3.02, p=0.008). As to somatic symptoms, being female (OR, 2.63, p= 0.013), living alone (OR, 2.66, p=0.016), having chronic diseases (OR, 4.31, p= 0.000), and no physical exercise (OR, 2.33, p=0.025) were found as the risk factors. Early psychosocial and psychotherapeutic interventions to these groups that have risk factors in terms of psychiatric symptoms might be beneficial in preventing the development of psychiatric symptoms in healthcare workers during outbreak. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved) (Turkish) Bu calismanin amaci, saglik calisanlarinda depresif, anksiyete ve somatik belirtiler ile algilanan koronavirus tehdidini arastirmaktir. Calisma Istanbul'da yapilmistir. Calismaya cevrimici anketi dolduran 315 saglik calisani dahil edilmistir. Calismada olcme araci olarak katilimcilarin algilanan koronavirus hastaligi tehdit duzeyini tanimlayan maddeler ve demografik ozellikleri icern anket formu ile Hasta Saglik Anketi-9, Genellestirilmis Anksiyete Bozuklugu-7 ve Hasta Sagligi Anketi-15 kullanilmistir. Saglik calisanlarinin% 37,8'inde somatik belirtilerin klinik olarak anlamli derecede yuksek oldugu ve bunu sirasiyla% 34'inda depresyon ve % 23,5'inde anksiyete belirtilerinin izledigi tespit edilmistir. Bu calisma sonucuna gore, katilimcilarin% 77,8'inin koronavirus hastaligini yasami tehdit eden bir durum olarak hissettigini ve % 95,6'si enfekte olmaktan endise duydugunu saptanmistir. Koraviruse yakalanma endisesi depresif, anksiyete ve somatik semptomlari etkilese de, koronavirus hastaliginin yasami tehdit etmesi hissi anksiyete ve somatik semptomlari etkilemektedir. Depresyonla iliskili faktorler kadin olma (OR, 3,85, p = 0.001), evli olma (OR, 2,35, P = 0.049) ve fiziksel egzersiz yapma (OR, 3.02, p = 0.008) olarak tanimlanmistir. Somatik belirtiler icin de kadin olmak (OR, 2,63, p = 0,013), yalniz yasamak (OR, 2,66, p = 0,016), kronik hastaligi olmak (OR, 4,31, p = 0,000) ve fiziksel egzersiz yapmamak (OR, 2,33, p = 0,025) risk faktoru olarak bulunmustur. Psikiyatrik belirtiler acisindan risk faktorleri olan bu gruplara erken donem psikososyal ve psikoterapotik mudahaleler, salgin sirasinda saglik calisanlarinda psikiyatrik belirti gelisimini onlemede faydali olabilecegi dusunulmektedir. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Cureus ; 14(12): e33030, 2022 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2310336


Outbreaks of infectious diseases confined to a particular locality are not unusual. Respiratory infections such as tuberculosis or community-acquired pneumonia are known in developing and underdeveloped countries. However, COVID-19 infection had globally created havoc due to its high rate of transmission and serious consequences on physical and mental health paralyzing the healthcare facilities of not only developing but also developed nations. This created a sense of uncertainty and insecurity in the public globally, adversely affecting the mental health of almost every individual. It is genuinely obtrusive that the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a global lockdown, adversely affecting the psychological health of the public. Some pandemic-related stressors affect nearly everyone. This review aims to study the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of psychological well-being and its overall effect on society, thereby making it essential to lend them a helping hand.

Ansiedad y Estres ; 27(2-3):172-177, 2021.
Article in Spanish | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2295722


Anxiety and depression disorders have a high prevalence in the population, sometimes generated by exceptional situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The prevalence of these mental disorders could be inferred with Google Trends, a tool that analyzes Internet search holdings by time ranges and geographic location. In order to study the relationship between search trends for the terms "Anxiety" and "Depression" and their prevalence in Spain during the Covid-19 pandemic, a selective search analysis was carried out based on geographic variables (Madrid, Andalusia, Catalonia) and temporary (weeks in 2020). The words "Anxiety", "Depression" and "Covid-19" were taken into account to make the estimates of search trends in Google Trends. The results showed significant differences between the autonomous communities in their interest in searching for information on depression, as well as a different temporal progression, both in anxiety and depression, which would reflect the fluctuations in the evolution of epidemiological data in each geographic region. Tools such as Google Trends would allow the health community to implement prevention strategies in the event of the detection of peaks of concern for certain mental disorders in specific regions and time periods. This is especially relevant if the prevalence of these disorders in the population can negatively interfere with the effectiveness of prevention and health containment policies in emergency situations. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved) (Spanish) Los trastornos de ansiedad y depresion tienen una alta prevalencia en la poblacion, en algunas ocasiones generada por situaciones excepcionales como la pandemia del Covid-19. La prevalencia de estos trastornos mentales podria inferirse con Google Trends, una herramienta que analiza las tenencias de busqueda en Internet por rangos de tiempo y localizacion geografica. Con el objetivo de estudiar la relacion entre las tendencias de busqueda de los terminos "Ansiedad" y "Depresion" y su prevalencia en Espana durante la pandemia del Covid-19, se realizo un analisis de busqueda selectiva a partir de variables geograficas (Madrid, Andalucia, Cataluna) y temporales (semanas ano 2020). Se tuvieron en cuenta las palabras "Ansiedad", "Depresion" y "Covid-19", para realizar las estimaciones de las tendencias de busqueda en Google Trends. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre las comunidades autonomas en el interes por la busqueda de informacion sobre depresion, asi como una progresion temporal diferente, tanto en ansiedad como en depresion, que reflejaria las fluctuaciones en la evolucion de los datos epidemiologicos en cada region geografica. Herramientas como Google Trends permitirian a la comunidad sanitaria implementar estrategias de prevencion ante la deteccion de picos de preocupacion por determinados trastornos mentales en regiones y periodos temporales concretos. Esto resulta especialmente relevante si la prevalencia de estos trastornos en la poblacion puede interferir negativamente con la eficacia de las politicas de prevencion y contencion sanitaria en situaciones de emergencia. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Revista Costarricense de Psicologia ; 40(2):93-105, 2021.
Article in Spanish | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2294601


The people's mental health analysis in SARS-Cov-2 pandemic context constitutes a highly relevant challenge for current psychology. The present research had two goals, firstly to analyze the associations between the mental health continuum and symptoms of anxiety, depression and intolerance to uncertainty in Argentine adults in the COVID-19 pandemic, and secondly to compare the levels of emotional, psychological and social well-being according to psychological assistance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study included a sample of 1120 adults between 18 and 84 years of age (Mage 37.32, SD = 14.81), 60.1% women and 39.9% men. The results reported that the associations between levels of emotional, psychological, social and total well-being and symptoms of depression and intolerance of uncertainty were negative and significant. However, the correlations with anxiety symptoms were positive and significant. Significant differences were found in the levels of emotional, psychological, social and total well-being according to attendance to psychotherapeutic treatment. In all cases, people who attended psychotherapeutic treatment showed higher levels of well-being compared to those who did not. It is concluded that people who were in the flourishing mental health category and underwent psychotherapeutic treatment showed lower indicators of depression and intolerance to uncertainty. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved) (Portuguese) A analise da saude mental das pessoas no contexto de uma pandemia de SARS-Cov-2 e um desafio altamente relevante para a psicologia actual. A presente investigacao tinha dois objectivos, primeiro para analisar as associacoes entre a continuidade da saude mental e os sintomas de ansiedade, depressao e intolerancia a incerteza em adultos argentinos numa pandemia COVID-19, e segundo para comparar os niveis de bem-estar emocional, psicologico e social de acordo com a assistencia psicologica no contexto de uma pandemia COVID-19. O tipo de estudo foi descritivo, correlacional e de diferenca de grupo, sob um desenho transversal nao experimental. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 1120 adultos de 18-84 anos (Midade 37.32, DP = 14.81), 60.1% feminino e 39.9% masculino. Os resultados relataram que as associacoes entre os niveis de bem-estar emocional, psicologico, social e total e os sintomas de depressao e de intolerancia a incerteza eram negativas e significativas. No entanto, as correlacoes com sintomas de ansiedade foram positivas e significativas. Foram encontradas diferencas significativas nos niveis de bem-estar emocional, psicologico, social e total de acordo com a assistencia ao tratamento psicoterapeutico. Em todos os casos, as pessoas que assistiram ao tratamento psicoterapeutico mostraram niveis mais elevados de bem-estar em comparacao com as que nao o fizeram. Conclui-se que as pessoas que se encontravam na prospera categoria de saude mental e foram submetidas a tratamento psicoterapeutico mostraram indicadores mais baixos de depressao e intolerancia a incerteza. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved) (Spanish) El analisis de la salud mental de las personas en contexto de pandemia por SARS-Cov-2 constituye un reto de gran relevancia para la psicologia actual. La presente investigacion se propuso dos objetivos. En primer lugar, analizar las asociaciones entre el continuo de salud mental y los sintomas de ansiedad, depresion e intolerancia a la incertidumbre en adultos argentinos en pandemia por COVID-19 y, en segundo lugar, comparar los niveles de bienestar emocional, psicologico y social segun asistencia psicologica en contexto de pandemia por COVID-19. El tipo de estudio fue descriptivo, correlacional y de diferencia de grupos bajo un diseno no experimental de corte transversal. Se utilizo una muestra de 1120 adultos de entre 18 y 84 anos (MEdad 37.32, DE = 14.81), 60.1% mujeres y 39.9% varones. Los resultados informaron que las asociaciones entre los niveles de bienestar emocional, psicologico, social y total y los sintomas de depresion e intolerancia a la incertidumbre fueron negativas y significativas. Sin embargo, las correlaciones con los sintomas de ansiedad fueron positivas y significativas. Se hallaron diferencias significativas en los niveles de bienestar emocional, psicologico, social y total segun asistencia a tratamiento psicoterapeutico. En todos los casos, las personas que asistieron a tratamiento psicoterapeutico demostraron mayores niveles de bienestar en comparacion a quienes no lo realizaron. Se concluye que las personas que se encontraban en la categoria de salud mental floreciente y realizaban tratamiento psicoterapeutico presentaron menores indicadores de depresion e intolerancia a la incertidumbre. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Revista de Psicologia Clinica con Ninos y Adolescentes ; 8(3):35-42, 2021.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2276140


COVID-19 and the subsequent public health response created many additional stresses for families. We examined parental behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in two European Countries and explored the association between parents' behaviour and children's anxiety and quality of life. Caregivers of children and adolescents (N = 442;86.7% mothers) between 6 and 16 years old (M = 10, SD = 2.85) participated in an online cross-sectional survey in Portugal and the United Kingdom. Results show that higher children's anxiety and lower quality of life were associated with higher levels of unrealistic parental demands, lower parental self-care, and higher parental emotional dysregulation. Encouragement of children's emotion expression and management of exposure to COVID-19 information was negatively associated with children's anxiety. Promotion of routines, support of children's emotion modulation and promotion of children's healthy lifestyles were positively associated with children's quality of life. The predictors differed according to country and age group. These results highlight the importance of specific parenting behaviours on children's mental health during COVID-19. The need to moderate unrealistic demands and attend to parental self-care to reduce parental emotional dysregulation is important. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved) Abstract (Spanish) COVID-19 y la subsiguiente respuesta de salud publica crearon muchas tensiones adicionales para las familias. Examinamos el comportamiento de los padres durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en dos paises europeos y exploramos la asociacion entre el comportamiento de los padres y la ansiedad y la calidad de vida del nino. Cuidadores de ninos y adolescentes (N = 442;86.7% madres) entre 6 y 16 anos (M = 10, DT = 2,85) participaran en una online encuesta en Portugal y en el Reino Unido. En los resultados se observa que la mayor ansiedad y una menor calidad de vida de los ninos se asociaron con niveles mas altos de demandas parentales poco realistas, menor autocuidado y mayor desregulacion emocional de los padres. El estimulo a la expresion de las emociones de los ninos y el manejo de la exposicion a la informacion de COVID-19 se asocio negativamente con la ansiedad de los ninos. La promocion de rutinas, el apoyo a la modulacion de las emociones de los ninos y la promocion de estilos de vida saludables de los ninos se asociaron positivamente con la calidad de vida de los ninos. Los predictores difirieron segun el pais y el grupo de edad. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de comportamientos parentales especificos en la salud mental de los ninos durante el COVID-19. La necesidad de moderar las demandas poco realistas y prestar atencion al autocuidado de los padres para reducir la desregulacion emocional de los padres es importante. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved)

European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation Vol 6(4), 2022, ArtID 100300 ; 6(4), 2022.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2270349


The mental health difficulties of trauma survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic have been under-reported. This study explored the moderating role of trauma history and trauma type (interpersonal and non-interpersonal) in the association between COVID-19-related stressors and depression, anxiety, and stress. A sample of n = 321 participants ages 19 to 71 (M = 36.63, SD = 10.36) was recruited from across the United States through MTurk. Participants reported the number of COVID-19-related stressors, trauma history and psychological symptoms. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses, controlling for age, race, ethnicity, gender, education, and income levels, were used to determine (a) whether COVID-19-related stressors are associated with adverse mental health outcomes;(b) whether trauma history and (c) trauma type moderated this association. Results revealed significant interactions;for those with a trauma history, exposure to COVID-19-related stressors was associated with higher levels of depression (beta = .21, p < .05) and anxiety (beta = .19, p < .05). For those with a history of interpersonal trauma specifically, COVID-19-related stressors were associated with depression (beta = .16, p < .05) more so than for those without a trauma history. These findings highlight the vulnerability of trauma survivors to the unprecedented COVID-19-related stress. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Family Relations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies ; 71(4):1325-1338, 2022.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2266034


Objective: The current study examines the correlation between emotional stability and symptoms related to adjustment to the stresses related to the pandemic for parents and nonparents at the initial stage of the COVID-19 outbreak in Israel. Background: At the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak, governments prohibited public gatherings and demanded social distancing. These challenges may be especially difficult for individuals with low levels of emotional stability as adaptation difficulties may lead to stress-related outcomes, such as adjustment disorder symptoms. Additionally, in the face of a significant external threat and the demand for intensive joint familial time at home, the parental role becomes especially salient. Methods: Two hundred forty-four Israeli adults filled in self-reported e-version questionnaires regarding emotional stability, adjustment disorder symptoms, and background variables. A cross-sectional design was used to examine the association between emotional stability and adjustment disorder symptoms, as well as the potential moderation by parenting status. Results: The findings revealed that the levels of emotional stability were negatively correlated with adjustment disorder symptoms, while being a parent mitigated this correlation. This correlation was nonsignificant among parents. Conclusion and Implications: It appears that the identity salience of parental role in the current stressful situation and its associated strain may have overcome the advantage of emotional stability. The identity of being a parent has the potential to dismiss it. Here, the social role emerges as more forcible than the personality trait. Recommendations for practice are discussed. 202305303 (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Shame matters: Attachment and relational perspectives for psychotherapists ; : 148-168, 2022.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2258294


Through her obsessive artwork of infinite dots, the artist Yayoi Kusama has been expressing her depression and suicidal ideation for over eight decades. To this day, Kusama has chosen to reside by night in a mental hospital in Tokyo while during the day she continues producing her works of art with their infinitude of elaborate repetition which mirrors the loop of her depression and the monotony of her obsession with death. The title of this paper is borrowed from Kusama's book (2005) and poem. Suicide, according to the French philosopher and sociologist Emile Durkheim, is a result of both emotional and social factors and the two are inseparable. In his book Suicide (1897), Durkheim concluded that the more socially integrated and connected a person is, the less likely he or she is to commit suicide. He came up with the term anomie. Anomie is a state or condition of instability in individuals or in a society resulting from the breakdown or absence of social norms and values. He associated anomie with the influence of a loss of societal norms that was too sudden and too rigid. When this rigidity becomes normalised and obsolete as a result of the lack of connection to a sense of purpose and belonging to society, an increase in suicide is then predictable. We can see this in times of economic austerity as well as in periods of political and societal upheaval such as the one we are currently facing with the COVID-19 pandemic. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved)

International Journal of Mental Health Systems Vol 15 2021, ArtID 19 ; 15, 2021.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2280774


Background: Disease outbreak not only carries the risk of death to the public due to the infection, but it also can lead to unbearable psychological impact on the mental health of the individuals. This study aims to explore and evaluate the burden of psychological problems on the Iranian general population during the outbreak of COVID-19. Method: A cross-sectional web-based survey was conducted among the general population of Iran age 15 and above. Demographic variables, depression, and anxiety symptoms were evaluated using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and General Anxiety Disorder-7 questionnaires. Results: Among the 8591 participants, the mean age was 34.37 (+/- 11.25) years and 66.4% were female while 33.6% were male. Based on our results, 1295 (15.1%) and 1733 (20.1%) of the general population had clinically significant depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively. Based on the demographic variables, female gender was associated with a higher risk for developing depression and anxiety symptoms, whereas getting information about the disease from medical journals and articles, being older, and being married were considered as associated protective factors. In terms of depression, being a healthcare worker was an associated risk factor. On the other hand, for anxiety, having higher education was a protective factor while a higher number of individuals in a household was considered as a risk factor. Conclusions: This study identified a major mental health problem in the Iranian population during the time of the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, establishing a targeted mental health support program during the time of public emergencies, such as the disease outbreak, is advised. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Curr Psychol ; : 1-12, 2022 Oct 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2288227


In comparison to other Middle Eastern nations that are experiencing conflicts and wars, Yemen has the greatest rate of mental health issues since the war was accompanied by distressing experiences and severe chronic psychological crises. This study aims to examine the current state of psychological problems from the perspectives of psychologists and psychiatrists in light of the ongoing civil war and the COVID-19 pandemic. This study included 20 psychologists and psychiatrists in total. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews with the psychologists and psychiatrists were done between October 2021 and December 2021 and between May 2022 and June 2022. Handwritten notes and field notes were used to record the interview process. The transcripts were inductively analysed using Braun and Clarke's thematic analytic approach to get the main themes and subthemes. The four major themes that emerged from the emerging codes are the impact of war on mental health, the impact of COVID-19 on mental health, the healthcare system, and the lack of awareness about mental health. These themes reveal how the civil war and COVID-19 contributed to Yemenis' mental health issues and resulting psychological disorders. Yemenis' mental health and well-being are under several threats; thus, the government and other relevant authorities must take urgent measures to lessen the impact of mental illness on society.

Int J Environ Res Public Health ; 20(1)2022 12 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2242647


Purpose: Since the prolonged sequestration management that was implemented in order to achieve lower infection and mortality rates, there has been a surge in depression worldwide. The correlation between the physical activity level and the detection rate of a depressed mood in college students should be of wide concern. A large number of studies have focused on the association between physical activity levels and a negative mood, but circadian rhythm differences seem to be strongly associated with both physical activity levels and mental illness. Therefore, this paper will examine the correlation between physical activity levels, circadian rhythm differences, and mental health levels in college students. METHODS: Data were collected through a web-based cross-sectional survey. In June and December 2022, questionnaires were administered to college students from three universities in Anhui, China. In addition to socio-demographic information, measures included the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF), Morning and Evening Questionnaire-5 Items (MEQ-5), and Symptom Check List90 (SCL-90) scales. Correlation analysis was used to understand the relationship between physical activity and circadian rhythm differences in the three aspects of college student's mental health. RESULTS: The analysis of the data led to the conclusion that 28.4% of the 1241 college students in this survey had psychological disorders. The physical activity level of male students was higher than that of female students, but the risk of having depressive tendencies was higher in female students than in male students. There was a significant negative correlation between the physical activity level and scl-90 scores (p < 0.01), which indicates that higher physical activity levels are associated with higher mental health. Circadian rhythm differences and scl-90 scores were significantly positively correlated among college students (p < 0.01), and night-type people had a higher risk of mental illness than intermediate-type and early-morning-type people. CONCLUSIONS: During the period of closed administration due to COVID-19, school college students experienced large and high levels of negative emotional phenomena due to reduced physical activity and public health emergencies. This study showed significant correlations between both physical activity levels and circadian rhythmicity differences and the degree of mental health of college students.

COVID-19 , Mental Health , Humans , Male , Female , COVID-19/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Circadian Rhythm , Surveys and Questionnaires , China/epidemiology , Exercise , Universities , Students/psychology
Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience ; 19(2023/12/10 00:00:0000):24-28, 2022.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2230238


Introduction: Recent research on the COVID-19 pandemic suggests that individuals who suffer from serious mental illness (SMI) are at heightened risk of infection and have increased mortality due to their illness and/or lack of access to healthcare. Consequently, progress in developing new treatments for SMIs has been disrupted, with many interruptions to clinical trials in psychiatry due to concerns regarding the pandemic and its risks to patients with SMI. Objective: This study aimed to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with SMI, specifically relating to psychiatric morbidity, pandemic-induced stress, and ability to cope with pandemic-related precautionary measures, restrictions, and disruptions to daily life. Design: A cross-sectional survey study of 94 clinical trial patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD), or schizophrenia was conducted in three geographically distinct clinical trial sites between June and September 2020. Prevalence rates were calculated for sample characteristics and demographics, and low versus high stress groups were compared on survey variables using Pearson's Chi-squared test of independence. Results: The results from the surveys indicated that COVID-19 knowledge, awareness, and the use of precautionary safety measures (e.g., handwashing, personal protective equipment [PPE], and social distancing) were robust and mirrored the general population. While the majority of patients reported experiencing moderate or extreme levels of distress (61.5%, n = 56), high levels of stress were correlated with positive coping skills. Conclusion: These findings suggest that clinical trial patients with SMI can safely participate in clinical trials despite the increase safety risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)

Recent Pat Biotechnol ; 2022 Jun 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: covidwho-2235662


COVID-19 pandemic has been depicted to possess a robust association with psychological disorders. SARS-CoV-2 is the most recent virus of the coronavirus family and has the potential to bind the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) receptor. The receptor is majorly present peripherally and up to some extent in the brain. Different psychological and neurodegenerative disorders can arise due to the peripheral origin of destruction. These triggers could be inflammatory pathways releasing pro-inflammatory cytokines reaching the brain and causing neuroinflammation. In continuation with traditional viruses, SARS-CoV-2 too might lead to brain diseases like meningitis, encephalitis, etc. Besides, several peripheral hormonal changes like cortisol can influence neurochemical alterations, thereby inflicting mood-related activities and psychological phenomenon. In this regard, health care workers, frontline line worriers, family and relatives of COVID-19 patients can be the secondary victims; however, patients with COVID-19 themselves remain the primary ones prone to neurological health problems. Several strategies like socialization, engagement, physical activity, etc. are well-opted measures to get relief from and check the psychiatric disturbances. The worth of this review can be attributed to the understanding of brain-related mechanisms of COVID-19 in the context of its mechanism of action to create the pathology pertaining to brain disorder, precisely psychological devastation. Likewise, its epidemiological relevance has concisely been mentioned. Furthermore, different categories and classes of people prone to psychological deterioration are briefly elaborated. Lastly, some coping strategies and approaches to minimize or combat mental health problems have been discussed.

Data Science Applications of Post-COVID-19 Psychological Disorders ; : 21-37, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2126298


Background: Earlier this year, the virus COVID-19 was detected for the first time and has since spread worldwide, causing widespread illness and death. A rise in emotional and psychological challenges worldwide has resulted from the disease's direct and indirect effects on individuals and families. It is usual for people to experience worry, tension, and other emotional responses during times of instability. Additional stress can increase symptoms in those already who have a mental illness. Methods: A survey is conducted on selective samples like students-teachers, COVID and non-COVID patients, small-medium scale entrepreneurs. A measurement scale of the WHO-5 Well-Being Index and The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 items (DASS-21) were taken in the questionnaire survey. When it comes to post-COVID mental diseases, data science is usually used to investigate the prevalence of these disorders, with a particular emphasis on their worry and melancholy. WHO-5 well-being index and the DASS-21 have their score calculations carried out in this study. Results: Among the 154 respondents of 77 males and 77 females, the WHO-well-being index has shown an average score of 55 among the sample selected. The male displayed a high score of 100 in 1.94%, and female respondents have reached 92 only. The Happiness index doesn't depend on the infection also. The DASS-21 shows a severity score, more in COVID affected persons than the non-affected ones. The students (COVID), Teachers (COVID), Medium Entrepreneurs (COVID) have shown the value of >60% in Depression and Stress. The anxiety value is comparatively less in both cases. © 2022 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

Revista de Psicologia Clinica con Ninos y Adolescentes ; 8(3):35-42, 2021.
Article in English | APA PsycInfo | ID: covidwho-2125725


(Spanish) COVID-19 y la subsiguiente respuesta de salud publica crearon muchas tensiones adicionales para las familias. Examinamos el comportamiento de los padres durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en dos paises europeos y exploramos la asociacion entre el comportamiento de los padres y la ansiedad y la calidad de vida del nino. Cuidadores de ninos y adolescentes (N = 442;86.7% madres) entre 6 y 16 anos (M = 10, DT = 2,85) participaran en una online encuesta en Portugal y en el Reino Unido. En los resultados se observa que la mayor ansiedad y una menor calidad de vida de los ninos se asociaron con niveles mas altos de demandas parentales poco realistas, menor autocuidado y mayor desregulacion emocional de los padres. El estimulo a la expresion de las emociones de los ninos y el manejo de la exposicion a la informacion de COVID-19 se asocio negativamente con la ansiedad de los ninos. La promocion de rutinas, el apoyo a la modulacion de las emociones de los ninos y la promocion de estilos de vida saludables de los ninos se asociaron positivamente con la calidad de vida de los ninos. Los predictores difirieron segun el pais y el grupo de edad. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de comportamientos parentales especificos en la salud mental de los ninos durante el COVID-19. La necesidad de moderar las demandas poco realistas y prestar atencion al autocuidado de los padres para reducir la desregulacion emocional de los padres es importante. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved)

Data Science Applications of Post-COVID-19 Psychological Disorders ; : 223-239, 2022.
Article in English | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2125190


Purpose: The significant effect of the COVID-19 pandemic epidemic was unprecedented. Corona Virus (COVID-19) spread across the globe very quickly, and it has caused widespread concern, fear and stress among the people. Sadness, low mood, poor sleep, hopelessness or aimlessness, isolation, loss of income, low work output, fear, depression, tiredness, stress, and work pressure during work from home are some of the triggering factors of mental health conditions. Pandemics led to mental disorders or complications among the people. The study aims to determine how resilient people overcome challenges using their core strengths and abilities. Methodology: Psychological Resilience is the mental or emotional ability of humans to cope with a crisis, conflicts, problems, issues, or challenges and return to normal or earlier situations speedily. Psychological Resilience strengthens humanity and supports the system to work for life's goals, overcome negativity, challenges, and adversities, and work through problems. The study has proposed a conceptual framework or model for being more resilient in day-to-day business, which will help individuals develop their strengths and capabilities and achieve desired goals. Findings: The study has suggested the actions such as regular exercise, yoga & meditation, good relationships with peers, avoiding stress, change management, feasible goals, positivity, relevant actions, searching for opportunities, networking & communication, building confidence, long term stability, self-actualization needs, etc. to be more resilient. Conclusion: Being resilient is the skills and abilities we can learn, polish, sharpen and develop a never-late-go attitude. Setting SMART goals and continuous motivation helps us become more resilient during distress situations and daily business activities. Last, it is always better to be more resilient for better future results or prospects. © 2022 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.